For nearly four decades, investment professionals have relied on PSN for detailed quantitative and qualitative data on Separately Managed Accounts including access to over 20,000 domestic and global investment products and over 285 predefined PSN published universes.
Manager Research
Screen thousands of investment portfolio products with powerful sorting, filtering and statistical tools.
Manager Analysis
Track and compare multiple investment products and run Returns Based Style Analysis using 200+ key statistics.
ESG Analysis
Research, screen, report & monitor Mutual Funds, ETFs, SMAs & Equities on numerous ESG metric ratings, scores, percentiles & rankings.
Asset Allocation
Build portfolios using classic mean variance optimization or our sophisticated Black-Litterman optimization module.
Estimate the probability of meeting future wealth goals using the Monte Carlo simulation module.
Client Reporting
Streamline the reporting process to speed up asset acquisition.
Portfolio DNA
Quickly and easily evaluate a portfolios composition including asset allocation, equity and fixed income characteristics, sector and regional weightings, top ten holdings and country exposure.
Presentation Center
Create interesting graphs to display a client’s current portfolio, and brand pages with your logo and footnotes.